Andrew: Hey, everyone. My name is Andrew Warner and I’m someone who hates being late. And I’m 25 minutes late to start this interview. And the reason for that is I want to make sure that my interviews aren’t just me hanging out here with the guest saying, “Hey, I don’t know anything about you. You tell me and the audience and I will learn together.” I want to do some research. I want to make sure that I’m not missing something, that on one is using my interview as a way to gain popularity for something that is underneath the surface, a scam.
So Justin Cooke, my guest, I’ll tell you as I tell the audience, I spent 25 minutes talking to people about you who are in your industry to make sure that this wasn’t like–that you’re not just a nice guy who happens to have been a long-term Mixergy listener who now is going to get to take advantage of me. I’ve got some stuff. I’ve told you before that I...