How a company inspired by Oprah was built and sold in four years – with Emily LaFave

Emily LaFave, Foodzie, eCommerce, Food, Lifestyle Business, Marketplace, Non-Tech, Physical Product, Sell Your Business, Women Founders

My guest says a TV show inspired her to follow her dreams and as a result, she built and sold a company.

In 2008, Emily LaFave co-founded, an online marketplace that sold artisan food direct to consumers.

Four years later, it was bought out by

Today she’s getting ready to launch a new business,, helps you recreate restaurant dishes at home. They send you all the ingredients and show you how to use them.

Emily LaFave


Emily LaFave co-founded, an online marketplace that sold artisan food direct to consumers. Four years later, it was bought out by


Andrew: Hey there freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I am the founder of, home of the ambitious upstart. And the guest that you’re about to meet today says that a TV show inspired her to follow her dreams and as a result, she built and sold a company and she’s about to launch another one. In 2008 Emily LaFave, cofounded Foodzie, an online marketplace that sold artisan food direct to consumers. Four years later it was bought by Today she’s getting ready to launch a new business, which helps you recreate restaurant dishes at home. They send you all the ingredients you need and show you how to use it. And that’s what, her new business is.

Before I start I want to thank for sponsoring Mixergy. They did this really cool thing. They asked me, “Andrew, what’s your highest converting page on Mixergy?” And I said, “Here it is.” And they said, “Can we copy...

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