Can a print newsletter be profitable? – with Ben Settle

Ben Settle, Email Players, Marketing, Subscription (Membership) Model

This interview I’m going to be talking to someone who I’ve been hearing so much about internally at Mixergy, especially from my mentor, who’s a huge fan and a subscriber.

Ben Settle is the creator of Email Players Newsletter, it’s a paper newsletter which teaches copywriting for emails.

You won’t believe how much he’s charging for it and how he’s getting people to pay.

Ben Settle

Email Players

Ben Settle is the creator of Email Players Newsletter, which teaches copywriting for emails.

Andrew: Hey, everyone. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of It’s the place where I interview entrepreneurs about how they built their businesses. If they’re new to this, you should go back and listen to some of my interviews with the founders of, the founder of Wikipedia, the founders of Airbnb–so many of those people started out as Mixergy fans, learned from my interviews and then have come back to do interviews themselves.

This interview I’m going to be talking to someone who I’ve been hearing so much about internally at Mixergy, especially from my mentor, who’s a huge fan and a subscriber. I’m not going to do the usual intro. Instead what I’m going to do is tell you that this interview is sponsored by two companies, HostGator and Leadpages. I’ll tell you more about them later in the interview.

I’m just going to welcome Ben Settle on. Hey, Ben. Good to have...

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