How an Indie Hacker bootstrapped to $250K/mo revenue

Joel Hooks,, Bootstrapping, Educational Company, Subscription (Membership) Model

Joel Hooks is an Indie Hacker who decided he wanted to put coding lessons online for other developers to learn from.

He started with videos and opened the platform up for other developers to record and teach. He started charging a membership and sharing the revenue with the contributors.

I want to find out how he took it to the next level. Anyone in the audience who teaches online and is wanting to sell memberships should check out this interview.

Joel Hooks is the founder of which offers free & paid video tutorials for web developers.

Joel Hooks

Joel Hooks is the founder of which offers free & paid video tutorials for web developers.

Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder Mixergy where I interview entrepreneurs about how they built their businesses for an audience of real entrepreneurs. And today, for the first time, since I think Twitch TV launched, I’ve got a live audience who’s watching and hopefully will be participating with me the way that Chris Luck is, the way that Mary Katherine Johnson is, Emmanuel, and so many of you others, Greg O’Brian. So we’re recording this live. And this is an interview that I’ve been especially looking forward to because Joel Hooks is an Indie Hacker. Hey, Joel. Who decided that what he wanted to do was put coding lessons online for other developers to learn from.

And the way that he decided to do it was first by putting his business partners videos online, and then opening it up to other developers to record and teach on his platform. And then he started selling membership and splitting some...

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