One Man In A Booth To $6M In Revenue – with Ed Roman

Ed Roman, TheServerSide, Consulting, Hiring, Scaling, Sell Your Business, Web 1.0

How does a training and consulting company generate $6 million in annual revenue?

Joining me is Ed Roman, founder of, a community web site for programmers.

He sold that company in 2002. I invited him to tell the story behind that business and to talk about, a community of lean startup practitioners who help founders reduce waste and implement the lean startup methodology.

Ed Roman


Ed Roman is a serial entrepreneur, investor, author, and startup advisor with 12 years of experience running startup companies.


Before we get started, tell me if you’ve got this problem. You’ve got a great product, but you’re not getting people to even try it, let alone buy it. Well, the problem is probably that you’ve got too much text on your site, but check out what these start-ups have done.

Here’s SnapEngage. They’ve got a video explaining their product right underneath the free trial button. Here’s SendGrid. Right next to the get started button is a video explaining the product, video much more than text. It helps people understand what you’ve created and convinces them to try it and buy it.

The company that I recommend you turn to for this is Revolution Productions, same company that did both of those start-ups and many others’ videos. Revolution-Productions. And when you go to their site, and contact them, I want you to talk directly to the founder, Anish Patel. Tell him I sent you. They’ll take...

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