Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters! My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of — look at this — I’m putting my arms out like it’s a big site. Not the founder, the founder of, home of the ambitious upstart. How desperate are you to make it? I mean to finally make it big.
Today’s guest is a Mixergy fan who had a failed company and was living on his friend’s couch. He says that’s when desperation led him to his first successful business idea. It wasn’t a direct path but it led him there. We’re going to find out how.
His name is Dwight Peters. He is the founder of Backers Hub. They negotiate flash sales on popular Kickstarter projects just for backers. Basically they take Kickstarter projects that have been extremely successful and for a short period of time they give people deep discounts on them. That’s the way they work.
This is part of my 10K series where I interview...