Why you shouldn’t ignore text messaging for lead conversion

AC Evans, Drips, Customer Acquisition, Messaging

If you’ve ever gotten a sales call in the middle of your day from an insurance company, for example, you know that is not an experience you want for your own customers. It’s very disruptive.

Well, today’s guest is an entrepreneur who came up with a solution for that.

Aaron C. Evans is the founder of Drips which uses conversational text messaging to help their clients contact users when it’s convenient for the users.

AC Evans


A.C. Evans is the founder of Drips which uses conversational text messaging to help their clients contact users when it’s convenient for the users.

Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of Mixergy where I interview entrepreneurs about how they built their businesses, and I do it for an audience of real entrepreneurs who are often building their businesses while listening to these interviews. And I know it because more and more of the people interview say that they listened and now they’re looking forward to giving back.

All right, so when I prep for an interview, I do a lot of research. And I remember one time I was interviewing someone who was in the insurance business and I thought, ” You know what? Let me just do a little bit of research.” And I filled out a few forms online and I said, “You know, one of these sites I could actually probably sign up for because we do need new car insurance.”

And then I went to do my interview after I filled out their form and while I was doing the interview my frickin’ phone rang and I hate...

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