Andrew: What the hell? Sorry to occur. You’re in salt lake city. Does that mean that I shouldn’t say the word hell. Okay.
Ryan: say whatever you can say,
Andrew: What the hell dude, you’re making $6 million annual recurring revenue selling, selling like the replacement to those fricking trees that the taxi drivers in New York had.
Ryan: Yeah, dude. It’s uh, It’s, it’s a terrible elevator pitch.
Andrew: It’s not a terrible elevator pitch. It’s an unbelievable elevator pitch. Someone’s going to think of you snowing us. Is this a lie, truthfully? That was going to be my first question. Number one, I use knowing that’s number two. Is this a lie? Number three? I can’t believe it. Why am I not doing it?
Ryan: Yeah, exactly.
Andrew: Can we just roll right into the interview right now included the whole setup that we got
Ryan: Absolutely.
Andrew: would be completely...