Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of, home of the ambitious upstart, and home of over a thousand entrepreneurs who come here to teach you what they learned as they built their businesses with the hopes that you’ll learn, go out there, build your company, and then come back and do the same thing yourself.
And today, I’ve got a guy who did just that. He’s a Mixergy fan who learned how to code and then built a school that now teaches other people how to code, and gets them extraordinary results. I invited him here to teach how he did it.
Douglas Calhoun is the co-founder of HackReactor. It’s an immersive coding school that’s available right here in San Francisco, probably within walking distance of my office. And recently they decided they were going to do a small test to see if people can learn remotely.
This interview is sponsored by Scott Edward Walker of...