How Two Do-Gooder Entrepreneurs Are Helping Do-Gooders Organizations Raise Money – With Chris Dumas
When marketing author Seth Godin wanted to raise money for the Acumen Fund, he used Donor Tools to make it easier for his fans to contribute and for him to manage their contributions. I invited Donor Tools’s co-founder, Chris Dumas, to talk about how his business is helping raise and manage over $58 million in similar donations.
One of the most interesting things to me about this interview is how Chris found his co-founder. Since he didn’t code, he looked online for coders’ resumes then asked if they could spare some time to talk to him about his business ideas and learn from them. There are a few other similarly clever stories in this interview. Listen to it and tell me what you think.
Chris Dumas is the co-founder of Donor Tools, the easy, affordable, online donor management software for charities, churches, and growing nonprofit organizations.
Andrew: This interview is sponsored by Wufoo, which makes embeddable forms and surveys that you can add to your website right now, check out It’s also sponsored by, where you can create an online store right now, within five minutes, and have all the features that you need to keep selling online, check out And it’s sponsored by Grasshopper, the virtual phone system that entrepreneurs love, because it has all the features that they need, and can be managed directly online. Here’s the interview.
Andrew: Hey everyone, it’s Andrew Warner, founder of, home of the ambitious upstart, and, about a month ago, I had a no-show interview, a no-show interviewee, and so I put out a call for people to come in as back-up guests here on Mixergy, and Chris Dumas, co-founder of DonorTools e-mailed me and said ‘you know what, Andrew? If you need anybody, I’ll jump in there’. And, so, I got on the phone...
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