Garrett Mehrguth bootstrapped Directive to $10M/yr in revenue

Garrett Mehrguth, Directive, B2B, Bootstrapping, Marketing, Mental Game, SaaS (software as a service)

When the biggest consulting firms in the business won’t even let you get your foot in the door, how do you get experience to launch your own firm?

Garrett Mehrguth is the founder of Directive which is a lead generation-based search marketing company for B2B enterprise with a focus on SaaS.

Garrett lived on a food budget of $12 a day, cleaned toilets and bid jobs on Fiverr all the while learning about search and lead generation so he could launch Directive.

Garrett Mehrguth


Garrett Mehrguth is the founder of Directive which is a lead generation-based search marketing company for B2B enterprise with a focus on SaaS.

Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I am the founder of Mixergy where I interview entrepreneurs about how they built their businesses. And I do it for an audience of really ambitious entrepreneurs. The types of people who instead of, I don’t know, listening to music would rather listen to an entrepreneur talk about how he built his business, would rather find a few little ideas that would both fire them up and also ideas that they could then use in their businesses. Joining me today is an entrepreneur who told our producer, Brian Benson, and our producer, by the way, at the end of every conversation with guests will say, “Is there anything I didn’t ask you? Is there anything I should ask you?”

And here’s today’s guest answer, Garrett said, “The reason I am successful is because I’m willing to lose a crap ton of money. But I’m also willing to trust people and when they screw up, I will take...

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