How an accidental entrepreneur built and sold coding school DevMountain for $20,000,000

Cahlan Sharp, DevMountain, Bootstrapping, Educational Company, Hiring
Get the whole interview here

In the years that I’ve been doing these interviews, I’ve done a few with entrepreneurs who have built coding schools.

At first it took me by surprise. How can a school do really, really well?

That’s similar to the interview we have today but the twist is that today’s guest is really risk averse and STILL he took the plunge to start this business.

Cahlan Sharp is the founder of DevMountain, a top code school which holds in-person classes.

Cahlan Sharp

Cahlan Sharp


Cahlan Sharp is the founder of DevMountain, a top code school which holds in-person classes.

Andrew: Hey everyone. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of, where I’ve done over a thousand interviews with entrepreneurs about how they’ve built their businesses, everyone from the founders of Airbnb to the founder of Pixar and frankly even a few entrepreneurs who came on here just to talk about how their businesses failed.

Well, in the years that I’ve been doing these interviews, I’ve done a few interviews with entrepreneurs who have done coding schools. At first, the whole idea just took me by surprise. How can a school in person, not online, not in an app, in person, how could that do well? And then not only how could that do well, but how could it do so freaking well considering how few students you even need to make it work or how little the founder had when he got started?

That’s kind of the interview we have here today. The twist here is that today’s guest says that he’s really risk-averse....

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