Blasphemy & Revelation – with David Heinemeier Hansson

David Heinemeier Hansson, Ruby on Rails, Mental Game, Sell Your Business

The blasphemous part of this interview comes when David Heinemeier Hansson blasts many of the ideas that entrepreneurs hold sacred. Suffering isn’t the heroic way to work. It’s a sign you might be working on the wrong thing. Charging and profiting don’t make you evil or short-sighted. They ensure you can grow. It’s inspiring, and it’s why I invited David of 37signals to do this interview.

For the revelation, listen to David talk about why he sold a piece of 37signals to Jeff Bezos. (I know you’ve heard how he sold, but I think the “why” is more interesting.)

David Heinemeier Hansson

Ruby on Rails

David Heinemeier Hansson is the creator of Ruby on Rails, a partner at 37signals, a NYT best-sellingauthor, a public speaker, a hobbyist photographer, and a race car driver.


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Next, who’s the lawyer that tech startups trust? You can probably say with me at this point, you’ve heard it over and over again: Scott Edward Walker of Walker Corporate Law. But don’t take my word...

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