Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of, home of the ambitious upstart.
And you know, a few weeks ago, somebody broke into my office, actually got past security on the first floor, which sometimes doesn’t let me up unless I have proper ID, got past the security door up here on the twelfth floor, broke into the office, broke into my drawer right here, stole my passport, some stock certificates and my Social Security number. Yeah. I see Dave has got his mouth agape.
Dave: That sucks.
Andrew: It really does. I thought the office was the most secure thing. Then I started investigating different ways to protect myself and to see if my Social Security number was used and my reputation that I worked so hard on was being ripped apart.
And of all the different products that I tried, Credit Karma, this brand new startup is the one that had the most intuitive software, the easiest to use, and...