How Fanpop Got Huge, Quietly – with Dave Lu

Dave Lu, Fanpop, Bootstrapping, Content, Scaling, Traffic
Get the whole interview here

You probably never heard of Fanpop and you don’t know how big it is. That’s because Dave Lu and his co-founders are too busy working to talk up their success. Besides, tech entrepreneurs like you aren’t their target demographic and, as a four-man team, they don’t have the time to court your attention.

But this is a story you need to hear because these scrappy founders grew Fanpop to 100 million monthly page views and over $1 million annual profits. There’s a lot to learn from how they did it.

Dave Lu

Dave Lu


Dave Lu is the co-founder and CEO of Fanpop, a one-stop destination for real people with real passions to find real content and community.


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