How Dana Severson built a $100k business in six months for less than $100

Dana Severson, Stick in a Box, Bootstrapping, Networking, Physical Product, Subscription (Membership) Model
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I don’t want to give people the impression that today’s guest is now sitting on a beach somewhere and life is easy.

He’s still in the hunt for bigger business. But he did find something that makes sense.

Dana Severson is the founder of StickinaBox, a jerky subscription service. I usually like to explain things in a little bit more detail than that, but really, jerky subscription–I think you guys get it.

Dana Severson

Dana Severson

Stick in a Box

Dana Severson is a founder of StickinaBox which is a jerky subscription service.

Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of Mixergy, blah, blah, blah.

Listen, I guess it was a couple of years ago where I read this post about a guy who was really struggling with his company. Because I do Mixergy, I care about entrepreneurs and I care about their struggles. So I said, “Who is this guy?” But he was anonymous. So I couldn’t figure out who he was. I couldn’t call him up and help him. But I’m a researcher because I do these interviews and I used all the tools that I use to research guests for the interviews to figure out who this anonymous guy was.

I found him and then I emailed his investor because I knew his investor and I said, “This guy is under your protection, so to speak. Help him out.” The investor emailed me back and said, “You’re wrong.” But I wasn’t wrong. I got to know the guy and I got to talk. I got to build a relationship with...

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