Brandon Evans is heart-led. Andrew Warner is heartless.

Brandon Evans, 1Heart, Failure, Mental Game
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I invited Brandon Evans back on Mixergy to talk about how losing his company & his wife led him down what he might call a “heart-led path.” In the process I think we all realized a few things about me.

Brandon Evans

Brandon Evans


Brandon Evans is the co-founder of 1heart whose mission is to foster a new generation of companies and leaders who create from their heart, aligned to their purpose, collectively elevating the consciousness of the planet as one tribe.

Andrew: Hey there freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of Mixergy where I think I do interviews with entrepreneurs where I am empathic, where I get to because we’ve got video turned on. I know most of you don’t watch video but I do because I’ve got video, I think that I can find the spots in the entrepreneur story where we can go deeper, where they’re comfortable saying things that they would feel uncomfortable and not in the other situation.

And still when I interviewed Brandon Evans a few weeks ago I found out afterwards from the person who introduced us that I was being weak that I didn’t ask about how he got fired, that I didn’t asked enough about his divorce, that I didn’t asked enough about the transformation that happened in his life. And I thought I did a good job, Brandon. I thought that as I was looking at you and talking to you about your divorce I could’ve sworn that I saw something...

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