The untold story behind CreativeLive

Craig Swanson, CreativeLive

Most people think about Chase Jarvis when they think about CreativeLive. Well, today I’m talking to the guy behind that guy. His name is Craig Swanson and he co-founder of CreativeLive. I’ll ask him about why he has no ego about not being in the spotlight and why, in his words, he’d rather own the spotlight.

Craig Swanson


Craig Swansons the c0-founder of CreativeLive, online classes in photography, art, design, craft & DIY, marketing, business, and entrepreneurship. Available on-demand 24-7.

Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of Mixergy, where I interview entrepreneurs about how they built their businesses for an audience of entrepreneurs. I didn’t even realize that I knew today’s guests business. Cause I, I had no idea. He was one of the co-founders. He is the guy behind creative live, which for me, I should introduce him.

These Craig Swanson, for me, your business in many ways was, uh, ah, they’re doing it better than I I’m doing it. And that’s the model I should have done or was doing. And wasn’t doing as well.

here’s the thing I started Mixergy, not because I wanted to do interviews. I started Mixergy because I wanna do online education. I felt that only entrepreneurs could teach entrepreneurs. Meanwhile, there were all these knuckleheads who knew how to write great books, who were getting a ton of attention for teaching entrepreneurs, how to build...

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