5 Ways to Create Good Content – with Chris Bechtel

Chris Bechtel, iPressroom, Content
Get the whole interview here

How do you create good content?

Many of the people I interview on Mixergy say what they’re teaching me depends on having good content. (For example: Scoble, Hunt, and Shah.)

To learn how to create good content, I interviewed Chris Bechtel of iPressroom.

Chris Bechtel

Chris Bechtel


Chris Bechtel is the CEO of iPressroom, a company that helps organizations like Target, the LA Opera, and Trend Micro create and publish content online.

A few lessons from this program

Here are 5 things he told me. (Listen to the interview to hear more.)

Expose – The most valuable idea I learned from the call is that we don’t have to keep coming up with good content. Chris says we need to find ways to expose what’s already there. Keep finding out what your community knows and look for ways to expose it. An easy way to do that is to take a video camera to a conference, interview people, and post them on your site.

UBU – Chris told me that you have to be yourself online or you’ll end up embarrassed the way Wal-Mart was after it was discovered that the pair of “average Americans” who wrote about crossing the country and staying at Wal-Marts ended up being shills.

Are you still reading this? – Most people don’t read past the headlines, so Chris emphasized the importance of writing good titles. Here’s a good place to learn how to write headlines.

“Oh baby I like it raw”As you know from a past Mixergy interview, even polished politicians are learning that audiences connect better with raw, unpolished content online. Scoble does that really well with the Qik interviews he does on his cell phone, says Chris.

Extra! Extra! – Chris says we should tie our content to the latest news. If everyone’s talking about the Super Bowl, find a way to join the conversation with your content. You can hear how Michael Dorausch does that for his chiropractic business in this interview I did with him.

Do you have any suggestions for how to produce good content?

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