Cameron Herold coaches me on hiring (so I don’t collapse at my desk)

Cameron Herold, COO Alliance

Hiring has been a huge issue for me. And in a past interview with Cameron Herold, I brought it up because he’s the founder of the COO Alliance, the world’s leading network for the second in command.

I don’t get embarrassed by a lot of stuff. If you heard my interviews, you hear me get pretty frank about my flaws, my mistakes. But this issue is something I was embarrassed about. I think if I don’t hire somebody to be the second in command at Mixergy, I am probably going to collapse.

So, that’s what today is about. It’s not so much an interview as it is a coaching call with the guy who knows hiring better than anyone else. You’ll get to hear what I learned and my hope is that you benefit from it too.

Cameron Herold

COO Alliance

Cameron Herold is the founder of the COO Alliance, the world’s leading network for the second in command.

Andrew: Hey, there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of Mixergy, where I’ve interviewed some of the world’s best entrepreneurs over the last what, eight, nine, years now. And I did it because I want to learn from them and thought the audience could learn along with me. Here’s something that I still have not learned from them and I’ve been struggling with, how do I hire people to come help me out. So much of what I do is instinctively me doing it and taking it on or me doing it because I don’t know how to hire somebody else to do it. And hiring has been a huge issue for me. And in a past interview with Cameron Herold, I brought it up. And I intentionally at the time interviewed Cameron Herold because he is the COO guy. He is the founder of the COO Alliance, the world’s leading network for the second in command. He is someone that many people told me I should go study and talk to him. And I said, “All...

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