How an introverted developer built software to grow relationships – with Zvi Band

Zvi Band, Contactually, Customer Acquisition, Marketing, Mixergy Fan, Networking, SaaS (software as a service)

I’ve got a buddy named Liston who does freelance work. He has to stay in touch with potential customers who are going to hire him to do copywriting and other marketing. Obviously just because you contact someone one day doesn’t mean they’re going to sign up. So he freaking loves Contactually, the company today’s guest cofounded.

He can’t stop showing me how it helps him stay in touch with people in a realistic way so he doesn’t drop off their radar. He’s the kind of person who gets really, really excited about Contactually because it increases his sales.

The ability to stay in touch the way that Liston has, that’s the heart of the software that we’re about to talk about. Today’s guest is Zvi Band. He’s the cofounder of Contactually, a relationship marketing platform that helps professionals stay in touch.

Zvi Band


Zvi Band is the cofounder of Contactually, a relationship marketing platform that helps professionals stay in touch.

Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of It is, of course, home of the ambitious upstart. It’s the place where I interview entrepreneurs about how they built their businesses and I always say it’s for an audience of real entrepreneurs. I’ve been featuring more and more people who listen to Mixergy who are now doing a Mixergy interview.

Joining me is a guy who, before we started, said that he listened to every single interview as they came up. I actually got to meet him in Washington DC at dinner. I got to see the work that he was doing back when he was running a consulting company. I got to know him. I got to like him. I thought we’d get together again and then I moved out of Washington DC soon after that. But I just kept finding out about his company. It’s called Contactually. It’s a relationship marketing platform that helps professionals stay in touch. I’m not sure I...

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