Andrew: Hi there, Freedom Fighters, My name is Andrew Warner. I am the founder of I am the guy who refuses to take a breath while we talk because I have got too much time and I am too busy. Wait, let me slow it down. One of things that I notice when I watch my own interview is I just rip right through them. I have to go quiet here. Here I go. And this one is important as I have got a Mixergy fan on here, who I have been emailing for years. I just discovered some of his old emails in my inbox. And he thought something that coming on, well not just worthy of coming on Mixergy, but worthy of studying.
His name is Conrad Egusa. He is the founder of Publicize, a PR company that works for startups on a budget. And I invited him here as part of my $100,000 series where I interview entrepreneurs about how their businesses brought in about their first $100,000 in revenue.
The cool thing about his business is he undercuts all those expensive PR firms that charge...