How to evolve when competitors copy

Lee LeFever, Common Craft, B2B, Educational Company, Lifestyle Business, Scaling

Today’s guest feels that entrepreneurship is about giving yourself the freedom, the freedom to live the life that you want.

I’m fascinated by him because Lee LeFever co-created Common Craft, a site that makes technology easy for people to understand. Here’s are some examples: Google hired him to create a video to explain Google drive. Dropbox famously featured his video to explain the new idea of Dropbox.

I thought all these new video apps would have crushed his business. But they didn’t. He kept evolving. We’re going to find out how in this interview.

Lee LeFever is the co-creator of Common Craft which produces ready-made videos and visuals that help educators explain complex ideas quickly. He’s also the author of Big Enough: Building a Business that Scales with Your Lifestyle.

Lee LeFever

Common Craft

Lee LeFever is the co-creator of Common Craft which produces ready-made videos and visuals that help educators explain complex ideas quickly. He’s also the author of Big Enough: Building a Business that Scales with Your Lifestyle. Or you may purchase on his website.

Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the, or a mix. You know what I should explain why I say freedom fighters. It came to me when I was living in Argentina. And I noticed that the people who are in Argentina waiting for entrepreneurs to give them the freedom that their government wasn’t giving them access to the world, access to jobs.

And I saw the frustrations that they were dealing with, but I also saw the hope that they had, that the people I was interviewing were going to bring them into the modern world that. They felt their government wasn’t, , bringing them in. We in the U S were thinking about Che Guevara. They in, uh, South America, we’re thinking about, the founders of, all the companies that I was interviewing.

Anyway, today’s guest has a, a similar take on this. He feels that entrepreneurship is also about giving yourself the freedom, the freedom to live, the life that you want to make the...

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