Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the, or a mix. You know what I should explain why I say freedom fighters. It came to me when I was living in Argentina. And I noticed that the people who are in Argentina waiting for entrepreneurs to give them the freedom that their government wasn’t giving them access to the world, access to jobs.
And I saw the frustrations that they were dealing with, but I also saw the hope that they had, that the people I was interviewing were going to bring them into the modern world that. They felt their government wasn’t, , bringing them in. We in the U S were thinking about Che Guevara. They in, uh, South America, we’re thinking about, the founders of, all the companies that I was interviewing.
Anyway, today’s guest has a, a similar take on this. He feels that entrepreneurship is also about giving yourself the freedom, the freedom to live, the life that you want to make the...