How Codementor is connecting developers with mentors

Weiting Liu, Codementor, Marketplace

I remember when today’s guest posted on Hacker News that he has launched this new thing. It’s called Codementor, instant one-on-one mentoring.

If you’re a developer or someone learning to code, you want a pro to just look over your shoulder and give you feedback. And so, I thought, “This guy’s brilliant, whoever came up with this. No wonder it’s doing so well.”

But it turns out it wasn’t a big business at the time, it was just some dude, some guy who had a lot of entrepreneurial experience who said, “I’m not going to do it the same way anymore. I just want to start this thing easy and build it up.”

Weiting Liu is the founder of Codementor, a community which gives developers live mentorship.

Weiting Liu


Weiting Liu is the founder of Codementor, a community which gives developers live mentorship.

Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of Mixergy where I do interviews with proven entrepreneurs about how they built their businesses. And I do it for an audience of real entrepreneurs. And as I say this, today’s guest is nodding because he’s one of the people who listen to these interviews. He listened and he built up his company. And you know what? I watched it. I remember when he posted on Hacker News that this new thing launched. I didn’t even know that he did it. I didn’t know who did it. I assumed it was a whole, developed company. It was like, “Here you go. This new business is launched. It’s called Codementor, instant one-on-one mentoring.”

And I thought this makes a lot of sense. If you’re a developer or someone learning to code, you want a pro to just look over your shoulder and give you feedback, especially since so many online classes now are just do-it-yourself....

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