Making Community Your Competitive Advantage

David Spinks, CMX, Bootstrapping, Event Organizer, Marketing, Social Media

Joining me as someone who I had an awkward conversation with about a decade ago. I think he would say the same about that day. He was in his early twenties and didn’t have much to say.

Well, 10 years later, he’s written a book and has a successful business. I want to find out how he made such a transformation.

David Spinks is the co-founder of CMX Hub and author of The Business of Belonging.

David Spinks


David Spinks is the co-founder of CMX Hub and author of The Business of Belonging.

Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of Mixergy, where I interview entrepreneurs about how they built their businesses. Joining me as someone who about a decade ago when I was still doing my interviews from Argentina and doing them live was kind of on Mixergy.

I remember David wasn’t there a guest who was supposed to come on here and didn’t.

David: yeah, it was an accident. You had someone who didn’t show up and you just posted who wants to come on the show right now? And I, I just, I like the show a lot. I always respected you. And I was, yeah, it was a decade ago. So I was 22, 23 and I was just like, screw it. I’m in. And you’re like, cool. And I just didn’t think about it.

And I didn’t actually have anything to add to any conversation, but just kind of threw myself out there and you invited me on and we had an awkward conversation for about 10 minutes, and then you...

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