Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of Mixergy, where I interview entrepreneurs about how they built their businesses. Joining me is, uh, an entrepreneur who he’s my guest, but I made it awkward because before the interview started, I said, he’s laughing already. It wasn’t, it was genuinely the most awkward that I’ve ever had.
One of these interactions go because Russ Ruffino. Is a guy I’d never, I never met before. And I don’t know that we’ve gotten many friends. No. The person who introduced him to me is someone who I’ve trusted with guests for a long time. But his revenue is really high. And I said, Russ, do you have any way of proving a revenue?
And he gave me this look that immediately told me, Andrew, can you just, you should have said hi to him. First made them feel welcome. And. And I, and I felt the eyes and there’s a part, yeah. To me that really...