Andrew: Hey, they’re freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of Mixergy, where I interview entrepreneurs about how they built their businesses. Joining me as a guy I’ve been really looking forward to talking with today. Hit actually for a long time. We’ve set this up a while back and I’m so glad that we made this work.
Baird, his name is Baird Hall, and the dude has started several companies, all bootstrap. Every part of it makes sense, and here’s why I’m excited about talking to you, Barrett. A lot of the people that I’ve gotten to interview lately are kind. . I don’t know. It makes me feel almost like we’re in late stage tech startup where they’ve raised a boatload of money.
They don’t really have much at stake. They’ve created companies that are so massive from day one that you can’t even get your hands around it, let alone really imagine yourself building it....