Would WordPress Sue The Maker Of Thesis, A Leading WordPress Theme? – with Chris Pearson and Matt Mullenweg

Chris Pearson, DYITthemes, Theme - WordPress or other

There was an argument brewing on Twitter today, so I invited the two guys at the center of it to talk openly here.

Chris Pearson, as you might have heard in his recent Mixergy interview, is racking up sales of Thesis, the popular premium theme he created for WordPress. Matt Mullenweg, the man behind WordPress says he’s happy that Chris is earning money, but insists that Thesis adopt the same license as WordPress, GPL, the most widely used free software license.

Neither man seems to be willing to back down from his position.

Chris Pearson

Chris Pearson


Chris Pearson is the creator of the Thesis Theme for WordPress, a premium template system designed to serve as the solid foundation beneath any kind of website. He’s is the co-founder of DYITthemes, the company behind Thesis. And he blogs at Pearsonified.com.


Andrew Warner: Hey everyone. I’m Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of Mixergy.com, home of the ambitious upstart. Every day I invite a different entrepreneur here to talk about how he or she built their business, to ask them questions like how much money did you make on your businesses, to ask them about their setbacks and how they recovered. I do it all for an audience of entrepreneurs so that they can learn and go out there, build their own companies, and hopefully come back here and do an interview someday themselves.

Today’s guest rescheduled at the last minute. Fortunately, I noticed something interesting happen on Twitter. The old debate between WordPress and Thesis broke out and I thought I’d invite both founders, the founders behind both those companies, to come here and talk about what the argument is. They both were past Mixergy guests, so I have them on my Skype and I was able to connect them.

The first guest is Matt Mullenweg, the...

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