How to validate your idea by finding your own pain – with Chris Keller

Chris Keller,, Bootstrapping, SaaS (software as a service), Sell Your Business, Subscription (Membership) Model

This is the story of how finding your own pain can lead to a profitable company.

Chris Keller is the founder of, a site he built to solve a problem he had.

You know how sometimes you send someone an email and you want to be reminded to follow up? Well is an easy way to embed a reminder in your email.

Chris Keller

Chris Keller is the founder of which attaches follow-up reminders to emails.


Hey there freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I am the founder of, home of the ambitious upstart. I want to make sure that everyone remembers. It’s not just a brand, it’s a great brand but it’s not just a brand. It is a web destination,

And today I’ve got this story of a founder who built a profitable company which he sold, and he did it all because he discovered his own pain and then he validated it and then he created a product which he charged money for. I invited him here to talk about how he did it. His name is Chris Keller. He is the founder of And let me explain this way.

You know sometimes when you send someone an email, you want to get a reminder to follow-up with them. Well is an incredibly easy way to embed a reminder in your email. All you have to do is cc an address that they give you. All right. We’ll find out more about it and how he built it, and...

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