Two taboo topics with James Altucher

James Altucher, Choose Yourself Media, Content, Hiring, Marketing, Networking, Outsourcing, System

I got an email from James Altucher, who I’ve had here on Mixergy several times, and he said, “Hey Andrew, just wanted to mention some things that have changed since I was last on your podcast.”

Usually that’s kind of a boring email, but James had me. There were a lot of lines in there that got my attention. Including the one that said, “My revenues are now $18 million dollars a year”

And I thought, $18M for a writer? For someone who sometimes looks like he lives on a park bench?

And there’s something else he wants me to talk to him about that I found unbelievable. Find out what it is right here.

James Altucher

Choose Yourself Media

James Altucher is an entrepreneur, chess player, investor, and author of Choose Yourself.

Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of It is, of course, home of the ambitious upstart.

And I got an email from James Altucher, a guy who I’ve had here on Mixergy several times. He said, “Hey, Andrew, huge fan of Mixergy and everything you’re doing. I just wanted to mention some things that have changed since I last went on your podcast. Usually that’s kind of a boring email that starts that way, kind of flattery and, “Here are all the great things I did that no one else would care about.” But James had me.

There were a lot of lines in here that got me, including the one that says, “Andrew, my revenues are now $18 million a year.” $18 million for a writer who frankly looks like he lives on a park bench sometimes? A writer who loves to sit and do nothing but read all day and play chess and answer questions on Q&A sites. How is this guy doing $18 million?...

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