Case Study: Chat bot grows sales

Ezra Firestone, Boom by Cindy Joseph, Customer Acquisition, eCommerce, Marketing, Messaging, Physical Product, Social Media
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Wait till you see how Ezra Firestone uses chat bots to get real sales for his cosmetics company, Boom by Cindy Joseph.

Ezra Firestone

Ezra Firestone

Boom by Cindy Joseph

Ezra Firestone is the creator of Boom by Cindy Joseph, a cosmetics company.

Get Ezra’s Facebook Video Ad Training here.

Andrew: Hey, everyone. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of It’s the place where I’ve done over a thousand interviews, but not a single one of them is like the one that you’re about to see here today.

Here’s the thing. I got really passionate about chat bots recently. Actually, it was about a year ago. I invested in a company that happened into chat bots and, man, the founder of the company, Shane Mac, kept showing me the software that they were building, how chat bots are starting to take over chat conversations and I got fired up.

And for those of you who don’t know, chat bots are basically–it’s any software that can interact with a human being over a messaging app. So if you go on Facebook Messenger and you hit one of the weather chat bots and say, “Hey, what’s the weather going to be like tomorrow,” that’s a chat bot that’s responding to you.

A chat bot...

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