Andrew: Three questions before I fire you up with another great interview. First, if you need a video for your site to help increase conversions and make more sales, who would you turn to? Revolution-Productions. Their videos make it easy for customers to understand your product and even though they are inexpensive, Revolution-Productions uses animation techniques and high quality video production values to tell a compelling story and Revolution productions is trusted by Sengrid, Snappengauage [SP], Freelancer and others. Go to
Next, did you know that adding a phone number from to your site can increase your sales? Well, Less Accounting found that sales grew when they added a Grasshopper phone number to their site. Seeing a phone number for help, makes people feel safe. Flower A/B tested having a phone number on their site from Grasshopper and not having one from Grasshopper. Look at how much impact it had. Try it on your site....