Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of, home of the ambitious upstart.
And when I looked at my lineup of interviews to record for today — I record several of them in one day and the team edits and releases them over time — I saw that we were going to feature, I was going interview a guy that sells vacuum accessories and I said, “What’s the team up to? How did we end up with the vacuum accessory business? This is a software-based interview program. Now of course, we don’t stay so focused on it that we’re like TechCrunch where we pretend the rest of the world doesn’t exist, but we focus on tech. What are we doing with vacuum accessories?”
I started looking at the research that my team put together. I said, “This guy is huge on Amazon. He built up this Inc. 500 company. They’re listed there and we’ll talk about the revenues that Inc. reported...