How Erik Bergman’s passion for online gambling turned into a public company

Erik Bergman, Catena Media
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How does an entrepreneur overcome insecurities and complete failure to refocus and launch a successful company?

Erik Bergman is the founder of the online marketing companies Catena Media and

If February 2016, Catena Media went public on the Swedish stock exchange and is valued at $400M USD.

Today he is running his new venture, a similar business as Catena Media but where 100% of the profits will be donated to charity.

Erik Bergman

Erik Bergman

Catena Media

Erik Bergman is the founder of the online marketing companies Catena Media and

Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of Mixergy where I interview entrepreneurs about how they built their businesses, and I do it for an audience of entrepreneurs who, to be honest, are going through stuff. We make it out to be such an easy thing—go build a company, change your life, make lots of money. And the reality of it is that you have to eat a lot of crap for a lot of years. Even when things are going well, you really suffer. And the problem with everybody making it seem so easy is when you suffer . . . in fact, let me when I suffer, when I’m going through some challenges, I always feel like maybe I’m doing something wrong. And it’s very hard to get back on track and say, “No, this is part of the process.”

Like you guys know, I run marathons. It’s very easy mile 18 to think, “This hurts. This is painful. Maybe I’m not meant to do this. Maybe today’s not the...

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