Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. I’m laughing because Craig don’t I hear like, is it a child in the background?
Craig: There is, yeah, just right on, right on cue. We start recording in my, my nine-year-old in the next room, but yep.
Andrew: I heard that. I think
Craig: joys of remote work, right.
Andrew: Oh, we’re so keeping that in. Um, I’ve gotta, I’ve gotta geek out with you on software because I’ve been testing the software. I’m using it right now that I think eliminates that. But we’ll talk about that in, in a minute. First. I should introduce you. Um, Craig. Is the founder of Casto us.
What they do is basically everything to do with podcasting. I mean, they’ll host your podcast files. They’ll make it look nice on your website. They’ll give you a website and I just discovered also they’ll do editing services for you. They’ll do Trent, you do transcripts also...