How To Work While Traveling Like A Business Nomad – with Kareem Mayan

Kareem Mayan, How’s The WiFi?, Lifestyle Business, Outsourcing
Get the whole interview here

Instead of working out of a cubicle, Kareem Mayan decided to travel the world and work remotely. As I write this, he’s in South Africa. Last month, he was in Argentina. Immediately before that, he was in Antarctica. To see where he is when you’re reading this, check out his site, How’s The WiFi?

In my interview, I asked him over and over if it’s really possible to get work done while traveling so much. He assured me that it is. (Listen to the interview to see how he does it.) If you want to follow in his footsteps and work while seeing the world, here are the tools he uses:

Kareem Mayan

Kareem Mayan

How’s The WiFi?

Kareem Mayan is a freelance technical product developer and digital nomad. Previously, he co-founded eduFire. Earlier in his career he worked at ESPN and FOX Interactive Media.

A few lessons from this program

International bank – Get an account with an international bank before you leave. If you don’t, there’ll be limits on your access to money. Kareem suggests HSBC.

Earth Class Mail – If you’re going to work remotely, you need to have access to your mail wherever you are. Kareem has all his mail go to Earth Class Mail, where it gets scanned and he can decide if he wants to have a document printed, mailed to him or shredded.

Back up – Back up your data often, because, as a world traveler, you’re more likely to lose your data than someone who’s computer sits on the same desk every day. Kareem uses both Mozy, an online backup system, and a second local hard drive.

Earphones – It’s a noisy world, but as a business nomad you still have to get your work done while traveling through it. Kareem uses noise canceling ear buds to get the quiet he needs no matter where he is.

Mini wifi router – Wireless internet is important if you’re going to continue working in exotic locals. Kareem carries a great router that lets him boost a wifi signal if it’s too weak, or create a wifi connection if there’s only wired access.

Unlocked GSM phone – Most American phones won’t work around the world. Kareem bought an unlocked GSM phone which allows him to add a local SIM card and make calls from everywhere. (He also uses Skype to make and receive cheaper calls.)

Power converter – Even vacation travelers need to carry a converter that lets them safely plug their computers into foreign power outlets. For Nomads like Kareem, it’s a must.

Power strip – If you’ve ever waited for someone at an airport to unplug their computer from the last remaining outlet so you can power up your laptop, then you know the importance of carrying a power strip. Kareem uses an ultra thin strip that lets him travel light.

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