How Bubble is keeping software startups relevant in an age of Instagram stars

Emmanuel Straschnov, Bubble, Bootstrapping, European Founder, International Founders, Networking, SaaS (software as a service)

When I first started Mixergy, the entrepreneurial dream was to start a software company. Today people care more about being the next Instagram star because it’s just easier than learning how to code.

That’s why I’m interested in what today’s returning guest is doing. Emmanuel Strasch is a founder of Bubble, which is a visual programming language for web and mobile applications whose goal is to make code obsolete.

It’s a breed of new companies that say: You can still build a tech company even though you don’t know how to code.

Emmanuel Straschnov


Emmanuel Strasch is a Co-Founder of, which is a visual programming language for web and mobile applications whose goal is to make code obsolete.

Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of Mixergy where I interview entrepreneurs about how they built their businesses. And I’ve noticed something. When I started doing Mixergy, the dream in entrepreneurship was to create a software company, that was the dream. That’s why people like the founders of Wufoo were listening, that’s why the founders of Airbnb were listening. That’s what they were aspiring to do. That’s what they did.

But today I have to be honest, as I look around the world, people are no longer aspiring to become software entrepreneurs. If you’re listening to me, frankly, you’re kind of a weirdo. People used to admire you and want to be like you. Today they just think, “Well, it’s kind of, I don’t know, it seems a little remote, a little distant, a little weird to me.”

Instead what people want to be is the next Instagram star. That’s...

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