How Brandstack Is Building A Profitable Marketplace For Brands – with Wes Wilson

Wes Wilson, Brandstack, Brand (branding), Marketplace
Get the whole interview here

A past Mixergy interviewee told me that customers were confused every time he said his company’s name. So he went to Brandstack and bought a brand package that included a new name, with logo and domain name.

A few viewers who saw that interview told me that Brandstack was a profitable company and asked me interview the founder about how he did it. That’s why I invited Wes Wilson to do this interview. Listen to the full program to hear how got the idea for the business. How he got both customers and designers to come to his site. And how launching a sister site, Upstack, helped him turn the corner on profitability.

Wes Wilson

Wes Wilson


Wes Wilson is the founder of Brandstack, a marketplace where designers sell brands to small and medium businesses. The company’s new site, Upstack, helps connect businesses with designers who they can hire to do custom work.


Andrew Warner: Before we start, look at all the stunning custom logo designs that one client got from 99designs is the largest marketplace for crowd-sourced graphic design. Look at all these beautiful custom web designs that another client got. Go to and describe what you need. Artists from all over the world will flood you with custom designs. You pay for only what you want. Look at these cool t-shirt designs that another client got. Go to and send me a link of what you get.

Here’s an email that I got from a viewer about my next sponsor, Scott Walker of Walker Corporate Law. “Just a quick note. I was looking for a lawyer to do an updated terms of service agreement for our product. Long story short, I had a hell of time finding someone who was charging reasonable rates and who was in the tech space. I ended up seeing Walker Corporate Law, your sponsor. They were fantastic.” So, Walker Corporate Law is the firm...

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