Braintrust guts the marketplace model

Adam Jackson, Braintrust, Hiring, Marketplace

Joining me is Adam Jackson, a guy who has been building marketplaces for years–starting with one where he went door to door here in the San Francisco Bay area and signed up users.

He’s developed most of his businesses here and still, he told me before this interview that he would like to challenge the Bay Area mindset. This is a guy who’s benefited from it so I want to find out what he’d like to change. We’re going to find out about how he built his businesses, including his latest company, Braintrust, a user-controlled talent network.


Adam Jackson


Adam Jackson is the founder of Braintrust, a user-controlled talent network.

Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of Mixergy, where I interview entrepreneurs about how they built their businesses. Joining me is a mixer G fan like you, our listener here today, who I am in awe, because he has been building marketplaces for years, starting with one where he went door to door here in the San Francisco Bay area and signed up users.

He’s developed his businesses here. And still, when I talk to them about what would make this interview interesting for me, he said, I would like to challenge the Bay area and the Bay area mindset. And I go, this is a guy who’s benefited from it. What’s the challenge. We’re going to find out about how he built his businesses, including his latest company, which is called brain trust.

It’s a user controlled talent network uses crypto in a way that I have to be honest. I don’t understand. Here’s what I do understand about it. His...

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