How Brady Lewis built a better system for his brick & mortar company (that’s making $7M/yr)

Brady Lewis, AllMoxy, B2B, SaaS (software as a service), System

Instead of my regular introduction I’m going to read you an email that today’s guest sent in 2012.

He doesn’t remember it and I can’t wait to see his reaction.

Brady Lewis is the founder of Allmoxy which is an automatic office that allows you to run your entire business online.

Brady Lewis


Brady Lewis is the founder of Allmoxy which is an automatic office that allows you to run your entire business online.

Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of and a man who should know better than to keep his mic too far away from his mouth. People need to hear me. You know what? Instead of my usual intro, Brady, Brady Lewis, my guest, I’ve got to read you this email that you sent me from 2012.

Brady: Oh, boy.

Andrew: You said, “Funny thing–I’m leaving right now to seclude myself in my cabin in the woods for a full week to listen to as many Mixergy interviews on sales strategies as I can find and I plan on coming back with the plan. I plan on being on your program someday to tell everyone how helpful Mixergy was in allowing me to build my billion dollar business. I can’t wait to talk to you later. I’m practicing my story hahaha. Check us out so you’ll remember this when we’re the shizz.”

Brady: Oh my gosh. I forgot I wrote that.

Andrew: Yeah.


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