How Brad Martineau built a $3M business consulting for Infusionsoft customers

Brad Martineau, Sixth Division, B2B, Consulting, System

I don’t think I should be interviewing today’s guest. I think I should be hiring his company.

Joining me today is Brad Martineau. He is the cofounder of SixthDivison, which does marketing, automation, and consulting.

In addition to that, they have other services that help entrepreneurs like me grow their businesses like help hiring and so on.

His customers include Mixergy guests like Laura Roeder and Daniel Faggella. He’s here to tell us how he did it.

Brad Martineau

Sixth Division

Brad Martineau is the Co-Founder at SixthDivision, which does marketing automation consulting company.

Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of And I don’t think I should be interviewing today’s guest. I think I should be hiring his company. Joining me today is Brad Martineau. He is the cofounder of SixthDivison. They do marketing, automation, consulting. In addition to it, they also have other services that help entrepreneurs like me grow their businesses like help hiring and so on.

Brad, welcome to Mixergy.

Brad: Thank you. I’m excited to here.

Andrew: This is kind of outside of your focus. My audience is largely software entrepreneurs. What kind of customers do you have today?

Brad: We have customers all over the board. We’ve had the Church of Scientology out. We’ve had a division of IBM come out. I’ve gone to the University of Utah and one of their technology commercialization departments, down to real estate agents, MMA studio–a lot of people that...

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