The eternal truths of direct marketing – with Brian Kurtz

Brian Kurtz, Boardroom, Consulting, Content, Customer Acquisition, Educational Company, Marketing
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If you went into my garage right now, you’d see boxes and boxes and boxes of books. In one of those boxes is a giant collection of big black books.

I remember the ads that got me to buy them and the anticipation of having them come in the mail. It was the ads with one-sentence teasers of what you could learn and then after each sentence, the page number of where you could go and learn it. The ones that I remember were about business. I remember holding those pieces of paper until the book came so that I could finally get my curiosity satisfied about how this business tip was going to unfold.

Today’s guest is Brian Kurtz, the guy responsible for taking the company behind those books to a high of $160 million. He currently runs Titans Marketing, an educational consulting business that teaches direct response marketing.

The stuff that worked for him back then still works today. I want to find out some of these eternal marketing truths that you and I could use tomorrow and maybe even within this interview.

Brian Kurtz

Brian Kurtz


Brian Kurtz currently runs Titans Marketing, an educational consulting business that teaches direct response marketing.

Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of It is, of course, home of the ambitious upstart, which means that we’ve got an audience of people who just love business so much that they’re here listening to me spend about an hour with entrepreneurs and business people talking about how they built their businesses and looking for ideas that we can use to grow ours.

I didn’t just start out like this when I started the podcast. I was hungry like this even when I was a kid. If you went into my garage right now, you’d see boxes and boxes and boxes of books. In fact, if you go back and watch my old interviews, you’ll see some of them over my shoulder. They’re now in boxes in the garage here. In one of those boxes is a collection of big black books that are like–I don’t even know how to describe them. They’re giant.

I remember not just reading them, but even more...

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