How Steve Sims built a business on being likeable

Steve Sims, Bluefish, Non-Tech

Today’s guest is a little bit different. He’s not a tech entrepreneur. He didn’t build his company in his dorm room.

He had kind of a winding road to get here, and the reason that I’m having him on is I think this story is going to be useful for you, but also I’m just freaking fascinated by the guy.

He has a kind of personality that makes you just like him. I know that seems kind of like wishy washy and dorky, but we shared a cab on the way back to a hotel and I just said, “I dig this guy. I really just like him.” And I said, “I want to know how he’s so freaking likable,” and so that’s what this interview is about.

Steve Sims is the founder of Bluefish, is a concierge service for VIPs and executives who want luxury and adventure.

Steve Sims


Steve Sims is the founder of Bluefish, is a concierge service for VIPs and executives who want luxury and adventure.

Andrew: Hey, everyone. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder Mixergy where I interview entrepreneurs about how they’ve built their businesses and usually, I interview tech entrepreneurs about how they built their software companies often, kind of, in a dorm room. In fact, later today I’m going to be recording an interview with a guy who I think literally did in a dorm room.

So today’s guest is a little bit different. He’s not a tech entrepreneur. He didn’t do this in his dorm room. He had kind of a winding road to get here, and the reason that I’m having him on is I think this story is going to be useful for you, but also I’m just freaking fascinated by the guy. I feel like he has a kind of personality that makes you just like him. I know that seems kind of like wishy washy and dorky, but we shared a cab on the way back to a hotel and I just said, “I dig this guy. I really just like him.” And I said, “I...

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