Chat bots: How to get clients

Matthew Black, Black Ops, B2B, Customer Acquisition, Funding, Marketing, Messaging
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I’m so freaking obsessed with chat bots because I think it’s the future of online engagement. We’re spending more time in chat apps than we are in email and even social media (practical use cases here).

The guest I have for you today was running a successful business but he too became so obsessed with chat bots it actually got him into debt. It just wasn’t working.

Well, it’s working now and he’s building bots for companies today. I invited him here to talk about how he gets clients, how he communicates a hard-to-explain idea like bots, and how he gets results for his clients.

Matthew Black is the founder of Black Ops, a boutique agency that provides a suite of services focused on conversational marketing.

Matthew Black

Matthew Black

Black Ops

Matthew Black is the founder of Black Ops, a boutique agency that provides a suite of services focused on conversational marketing.

Andrew: Hey, everyone. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of Mixergy, where I interview entrepreneurs about how they built their businesses.

Apart from this, the only other obsession that I have—well, two, I guess. Well, no, I have many obsessions, I guess. I’m obsessed with my family, and I’m starting this interview late because we had some family issues. My son was throwing up last night. It was really painful. So that takes up a lot of my time. Then I also try to get some workouts in, but I barely get a chance to do that. Then I do Mixergy interviews, and when I’m not doing this, the thing that’s really made me stressed lately is I’m taking on a lot of work around chatbots.

I’m so freaking obsessed with them. I know it’s eating away into my research time with my guests. I know it’s eating away at my family time. I know it’s keeping me from running because I think that this is the future of...

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