Roger Ver is here to talk about BitCoin

Roger Ver,, Cryptocurrency
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In the early days of Bitcoin when most people didn’t understand it or believe in its future, today’s guest decided that he was going to accept it as a real way for people to pay.

As a result he got into Bitcoin before most people even knew about it. He has built up a reputation and businesses in the Bitcoin world.

Roger Ver is the founder of, where you can go to learn about Bitcoin and get a free wallet.

Roger Ver

Roger Ver

Roger Ver is the founder of, where you can go to learn about Bitcoin and get a free wallet.

Andrew: Hey there freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of Mixergy where I interview entrepreneurs about how they built their businesses. And frankly, since we’re talking about tech, changing the world. I know that sounds so cliché but it is true if you look at the list of interviewees that I’ve had here on Mixergy.

Today’s guest is one of those people. In the early days of Bitcoin when most people didn’t understand it, know about it or believe in its future, today’s guest decided that he was going to accept it as a real way for people to pay, and as a result he got into Bitcoin before most people, as I say, understood it, and he has built up a reputation and businesses in the Bitcoin world. He is known to many people, including the person who introduced me to him, as Bitcoin Jesus, though he doesn’t seem to smile when I say that name, so I’m sensing he’s got some feelings about it.


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