Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of This is home of the ambitious upstart. And the place where entrepreneurs come to talk about how they built their businesses.
In today’s interview, I want to find out how a podcast lover, like me, ended up building a really successful test prep business. And we’ll find out about how big it got and hear how he did it. His name is Bhavin Parikh. He is the co-founder of Magoosh. It’s an online education startup which seeks to make high quality education material accessible to everyone.
This whole interview, this whole shebang, this whole conversation is sponsored by the man who’s paying me to talk. How great is that? His name is Scott Edward Walker. He is the entrepreneur’s lawyer. You can see him at Walker Corporate Law. But I’ll tell you more about him later. First, Bhavin, welcome.
Bhavin: Hey Andrew. Great to be...