How A Devotee Built A Multi-Million Dollar Business That Does More Than Make Money – with Bharat Mitra

Bharat Mitra, ORGANIC INDIA, Indian Founders, International Founders, Lifestyle Business, Non-Tech
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For Bharat Mitra happiness didn’t come from accumulating material possessions. “I was very committed to finding the source of happiness within myself,” he says. “That led me to India and I was very blessed and lucky to meet my guru, Papaji.”

As you can see already, this is a different story from the hundreds of interviews I’ve done here with internet entrepreneurs. But, if you’ve been listening to Mixergy interviews, you know that there are many paths in business. I do this work to help you find your own path.

Papaji encouraged Bharat to start a company as a way of finding his role in life, his dharma. In this interview you’ll hear what happened next. But as a preview, I pulled this excerpt for you from the transcript.

In terms of sales 2009, the company is expected to end over with a turnover of 20 million US dollars. But much more importantly, the company right now supports the livelihood of thousands and thousands of farmers all across India and rural India and their communities. And the company has converted tens of thousands of acres from chemically abused agriculture into sustainable, holistic, organic, bio dynamic agriculture. So the measure of success for Organic India is not only the bottom line or the top line, it is also the impact that we have on the world.


Bharat Mitra

Bharat Mitra


Bharat Mitra (Yoav Lev), Chairman and President of ORGANIC INDIA Pvt. Ltd. You can read about the company here.



Hey everyone, it’s Andrew Warner, founder of, home of the ambitious upstart. And you know the philosophy that I’ve got here at Mixergy – which is that business is about more than just being another corporate drone. It’s about having a passion that you’re expressing through your work. It’s about leaving a mark the world; about changing the world. But, how do you do that? Well, as part of my series of interviews with entrepreneurs who do it, I invited Bharat Mitra on Mixergy. And, by the way, he is the co-founder of Organic India. Bharat, is this your tea? You guys man- you guys make this?

This is one of them, yes.

One of your products, this is, I’m holding up for people who are listening to us by audio, Tulsi Tea, which is all over Whole Foods here in Southern California and imagining all over the place. So, this is one of the products of your company, Organic India....

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