Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I am the founder of, home of the ambitious upstart.
I was going to introduce today’s guest as a founder of a company that’s very similar to Kickstarter, but it’s for music. Then I thought, “I wonder how he feels about the comparison to Kickstarter.” Both companies were launched in the same year, so it’s not like he saw an opportunity to bring the Kickstarter idea to his business. I’m wondering where his idea came from.
We’ll find out about that and how well he’s doing with his company right here in this interview with Benji Rogers. He is the founder of PledgeMusic. They are a leading international, direct-to-fan platform offering artists a way to engage their fans in the music making process. That’s a mouthful. Here’s the idea. You like a band like the Blues Traveler. You want to encourage them to create a new...