How BenchPrep brought technology to standardized test prep

Ujjwal Gupta, BenchPrep, Educational Company, Indian Founders

Before Mixergy, I was a student like many of you. And in my car on the way to school, I would listen to SAT word recordings. I loved it. The problem is those books are such a pain in the butt to carry around. And I hate to sound like somebody who’d care about this stuff. But you look a little bit lame carrying a bunch of standardized test prep books.

Today’s guest had a similar view of the world. He said, “Why are all these books being lugged around? They’re so antiquated. There’s a better way. There’s technology. It’s been invented. Come on, get with it.” And he created a company.

Ujjwal Gupta is the founder of BenchPrep, a comprehensive learner success platform. He’s the guy responsible for creating a lot of the software that the ACT and other organizations are using. They’re white labeling it and using it for their students. I want to find out how he did it.

Ujjwal Gupta


Ujjwal Gupta is the founder of BenchPrep, a comprehensive learner success platform.

Andrew: Hey there freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of Mixergy where I interview entrepreneurs about how they built their businesses. And before this, I was a student like many of you, and my favorite part of school, if I had to, a favorite thing that I learned was the standardized test. I thought a lot of my teachers in school, I know we’re supposed to love teachers and really praise them and they should get paid more and all that hara hara hara. I actually believed that a lot of my teachers were bozos. I didn’t enjoy it anyway, and probably because I was a bit of a jerk.

But what I loved was learning, and I loved it with standardized test, they tell you exactly what topic you want to learn, you get to dive in. I would get those books. Usually in school I wouldn’t care, but I would get all those prep books and I would go through the assignments in them and I would study and I would try to raise my grade. And I really...

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